Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sam's first snow day!

Sam had his first snow day yesterday. He was so excited. They went to Jennifer's for a Chirstmas party and baked cookies. They had a great time. They are at Dottie's today baking cookies. Oh yummy, I love homemade cookies. As you can see from the picture taken yesterday Jackson thought he would create his own snow day with baby powder. Oh the fun times of a 2 1/2 year old. At least he smelled so fresh!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holiday Baking

The boys and I have been doing some Holiday baking......well if you want to call it that :). Covered pretzel and some yummy little brownie muffins with those red/green strip chips on top. They both love helping with the decorating and eating the left over brownie mix.